
Javed Iqbal

  • 时间:2024-05-07
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Dr. Javed Iqbal is an esteemed academic and development professional with over eight years of experience in administration, research, teaching, and development. He is currently an Associate Professor at School of English Studies, Zhejiang International Studies University, in Hangzhou, China. He is a lifelong learner and holds two PhD degrees in emerging learning technologies and organizational behaviors. He previously completed his PhDs in Education from Guangzhou University, China, as well as the University of Education, Pakistan. His doctoral research explores the interrelationships among higher education curriculum delivery, information communication technology, and entrepreneurship capabilities. His other doctoral research focused on the influence of emotional intelligence and classroom engagement on academic performance among undergraduate students.

Dr. Iqbal has made significant contributions to the academic community through his publications, having authored 23 papers in Scopus and WoS indexed journals during his PhDs, with 17 more under review. He is also an editor and regular reviewer for several internationally recognized journals, including those published by SAGE.

Before his current role, Dr. Iqbal served as a Research Associate and Program Coordinator at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore, where he taught various courses in language learning. He has received various accolades for his academic excellence, including the Outstanding International Student Award for Ph.D. students in 2021, supported by a full scholarship from Guangzhou University and Guangdong Province Scholarship.

Dr. Iqbal is actively involved in large research projects supported by grants from prestigious foundations such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China. His expertise extends to leadership and management, and he is proficient in multiple languages, including Urdu, Punjabi, English, and is learning Chinese.

Dr. Iqbal’s global academic footprint and his commitment to enhancing educational practices through technology and innovative research methodologies position him as a leading figure in education and academic research.

Research Contribution Samples

1.Iqbal, J., Asghar, M. Z., Ashraf, M. A., & Rafiq, M. (2022). Social Media Networking Sites Usage and Depression Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Roles of Social Anxiety and Loneliness. Social Media + Society, 8(3), 20563051221107633. [Scopus Indexed: Web of Science-SSCI Q1, Impact Factor: 4.636].

2.Chen, R.,Iqbal, J., Liu, Y., Mengmei, Z., & Xie, Y. Impact of Self-Concept, Self-Imagination, and Self-Efficacy on English Language Learning Outcomes among blended Learning Students during COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 172. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.711439. [Scopus Indexed: Web of Science-SSCI Q1, Impact Factor: 4.235].

3.Iqbal J, Qureshi N, Ashraf MA, Rasool SF, Asghar MZ (2021). The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Academic Social Networking Sites on Academic Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 14, 905-920. DOI: https://doi.org/10. 2147/PRBM.S316664. [Scopus Indexed: Web of Science: Impact Factor: 3.974; SSCI: Q2].

4.Iqbal, J., Asghar, M. Z., Ashraf, M. A., & Yi, X. (2022). The Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Students’ Study Habits in Blended Learning Environments: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Engagement during COVID-19. Behavioral Sciences, 12 (1), 14. DOI: https://doi.org /10.3390/bs12010014. [Scopus Indexed: Web of Science-SSCI Q2: 2.286].

5.Naveed, M.A.;Iqbal, J.; Asghar, M.Z.; Shaukat, R.; Rabia Kishwar, P. How Information Literacy influences Creative Skills among Medical Students? The Mediating Role of Lifelong Learning Medical Education Online. DOI:10.1080/10872981.2023.2176734, 2023, [Scopus Indexed: Web of Science-SSCI Q1, Impact Factor: 6.000].

6.Iqbal J, Asghar MZ, Asghar A and Waqar Y (2022) Impact of entrepreneurial curriculum on entrepreneurial competencies among students: The mediating role of the campus learning environment in higher education. Front. Psychol. 13:950440. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.950440. [Scopus Indexed: Web of Science-SSCI Q1, Impact Factor: 4.235].

7.Iqbal J, Yi X, Ashraf MA, Chen R, Ning J, Perveen S, et al. (2022) How curriculum delivery translates into entrepreneurial skills: The mediating role of knowledge of information and communication technology. PLoS ONE 17(5): e0265880. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone .0265880. [Scopus Indexed: Web of Science-SSCI Q1, Impact Factor: 3.752].

Contact Information: Email; javed@e.gzhu.edu.cn, Cell: +86 15623698157, WeChat: j03334139038.


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